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5 slots left for V.I.A volunteers departing on April 29 to Sydney

Mar 20, 2018

The group of volunteers departing on  April 29 to Sydney is almost full, only 5 slots are left. If you want to join them to be an animal protector and carer to take care of the wild lifes and their environment, fill out the online application form as soon as you can and be one of them!

Last Minute to apply to High School Exhcnage in China!

Mar 28, 2018

The next semester will open on September 1st. May 1st is the deadline to apply for 2018 Fall semester. Do not lose the opportunity to  have the chance to experience the real Chinese study and living environment.

Study Tour to Australia 2018 is open now!

Apr 1, 2018

To experience one of the eight themes in our study tour groups in 2018, easily click on “Apply Online” and fill in your personal information. A professional counselor will contact your in 48 hours.